Klonner Procedure Primer

The Product
Klonner – Vegan brazilian product, considered the unique in the world to reconstruct up to 90% of the damaged hair in its first usage.
The Hair Reconstructor Klonner, with its exclusive formula, has become the main choice among the recognized brazilian hair stylists.
The hair reconstructor is a treatment fractioned in 20 ml doses that regenerates 99% of the hair fiber, providing resistency, avoiding possible breaking, and ensures a healthy growing of the hair.
Our History
Noticing the absence of a reconstructor hair product in the national market, Michelson Jacinto decided to investigate the formula of the imported products. So that, he joined the Chemistry Course at the University. Using the Hair Parlor as a laboratory, he created a hair product that promises reconstructing distressed hair in the very first usage, with amazing results.
Tested and aproved by professionals like the hair stylist Michel Vidal, this product has become the very first choice among the available products in the market. “In a field where the brands promise miraculous results, and unfortunately , as they don’t comply the results, I was surprised by testing the Klonner.”
“In the first usage it could recover 90% of a customer’s damaged and dull hair, that made her feel completely satisfied.”
“The product is unique”, says the King of the Blondes, and he adds that he had already tested the main national and imported products, and he had never obtained such a very fast result.
Jacinto explains that he concluded the Chemistry course in 2017. “This product was my Final Course Assignment (TCC)”. At that time I wanted to name it “NHR”, for the product nourishes, hydrates, and reconstructs the hair at the same time, he says.
Besides the tests in his Beauty Salon, the chemist joined the “Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará”, an important teaching Center, and national reference in Technology development. “During this period of time I developed a similar product to the imported ones, referred to the smell,color, and usage, however If I had stopped there it would have been a copy of them.
With the University laboratory available, Michelson had in hands all the equipment to do the necessary experiences for his researches. He still counted on the support and the experience of his teachers.
With all of this structure, step by step he was developing one of the best hair reconstructors existing in the market. In order to comparison, some of the Klonner characteristics, and its similar and best-selling imported product.
Klonner is vegan (natural) with certificate, and the similar one uses synthetical raw-material. Klonner reconstructs the hair in the very first usage. The other one doesn’t achieve the same result even after the usage of the whole bottle.
The concurrent product is american, and it uses raw-material and workforce totally stranger, while Klonner is 100% national in the sense of the “ roots”, and it was tested and developed to brazilian hair, or else, the hair that suffers the climate conditions, and characteristics the way we live.
“I am very proud of the creation of the Klonner”, says Michelson. Respecting all the brazilian and stranger professionals, I’ve gotten during these years of hard work and researches something unprecedented. A product that you can really trust, and it is far beyond the others”.
The Klonner revolutionizes the hair of the brazilians, says Jacinto, and he assures that the formula of the product is kept only in his mind, and in a small piece of paper absolutely protected.
The marketing and usage of the Klonner in Beauty Salons nowadays include more 5 countries, besides Brazil, pioneer country.
The product is commercialized by the official site: https://www.vidalshine.com.br
The Product - Usage and Results
The Klonner is a hair reconstructor product. Its result is significant and effective, with the function of substituting hair treatment sequence (Hydration, Nutrition and Reconstruction).
One of the function of the main substance of the Klonner is acting directly in structural support, it helps carrying the nutrients, and storing the natural fat of the hair in the proper hair, so it is a super nourishment to the hair, leaving it stronger, resistent to the falling, and preventing from it.
Klonner - Instructions – Main doubts
The Usage
Q: When should I use the Klonner?
A: You can use it before discoloration (Highlights, Ombre Hair etc), as a protector to a health procedure, after a discoloration as a reconstruct treatment, before and after coloration, straightening, and volume control and reducer.
After Highlights
Q: I’ve recently gotten Highlights. My hair is dry and it is rubberized when it is wet. I’am even afraid of combing it. Can Klonner help me?
A: The Klonner is a high Power hair reconstructor than it can reverse this rubbery problem instantly. In the first usage it can occur a 90% result of a natural resilience.
Curly Hair
Q: My curly hair is dry, brittle, very fragile. Can I use the Klonner? Is it straightening my curly hair?
A: No, the Klonner doesn’t straighten the hair, it also doesn’t reduce the volume, nor the frizz. It is ideal for dry and dull hair. On the contrary, it leaves the curly hair loose and defined, keeping a perfect shape, easy to comb, and an incredible natural shine.
Usage in children
Q: My daughter’s hair is usually very spongy because she loves swimming. The brands in the market suggest not to use any of the chemical for volume reduction in children.
May I use the Klonner in my child’s hair?
A: The Klonner is vegan, not chemical. It doesn’t have volume reducer active substances, nor the power of straightening. It is a 100% natural product, it can be used in children in cases of dry and spongy hair.
Usage in Pregnancy
Q: I feel my hair dry and dull, but I am pregnant, and I am afraid of doing something that can harm my pregnancy. Can the Klonner be used in pregnant women?
A: Yes! The Klonner can be used during pregnancy with no restriction or counterindication. It is a vegan product aproved for “Brazilian Vegan Seal”. The klonner replaces the health of the hair, providing resistency, plasticity, and shine to the hair.
Usage in” Brazilian Blowout”
Q: “I’d like to get a Brazilian Blowout (Blowdry). Should I use the Klonner before or after this procedure?”
A: “You can have it done before the procedure ( depending on the need to give endurance to the hair ), so that the hair can bear the excessive heat of the Straightener. It can be used after the procedure to provide strenghth for the hair or it can be used before the procedure to reconstruct 100% of the hair, resulting in a strong, healthy, and shiny hair. “
Usage in Colored Hair
Q: “My hair is dark Black. My dream is lightning it, but it never lightens when I try to get a lightning test. Is it possible to turn my hair more resistent with the Klonner, so that it can be discolored? How many procedures is it necessary to have a strong hair so that it can be discolored?”
A:”The Klonner gives the hair resistency to any chemical procedure. The amount of times that you will have this procedure depends on the result of the first and second usage, reconstructing up to 100% of the hair, so that you will pass the discoloration test. After you have the discoloration procedure done, you will need to reconstruct the hair again, in order not to have it weakened or damaged, so the Klonner will keep the hair healthy after discoloration. It can be necessary to have it done 3 or 4 usages, once a week under a professional evaluation.”
Extremely fragile and damaged hair
Q: “My hair is extremely distressed because of a chemical procedure, and it is horrible. I can’t take care of it myself. It’s weak, dull, and brittle. Can the Klonner solve my problem?”
A: “Yes. The Klonner can cease the falling in the first usage, providing health to the hair instantly”.
Active Components
Q: “I am very careful to my hair, and I love cosmetic products, but I am afraid of using some product I don’t know its origin. What is the base of this product?”
A: “ This product, The Klonner, is the combination of three elements: Water ( a similar water of the human body), Fat ( lipids ), and Keratin ( protein and amino acids), that all together make a compatible chemical connection, and clones the hair fiber , absorbing efficiently all the necessary elements for this connection, giving the hair strength and reconstruction in its original health. This product is a treatment, and it is not a chemical structure changing like “brazilian blowout”.”
Substitute for Sequence of hair treatment ( Hydration, Nutrition, and Reconstruction)
Q: “I have gotten a sequence of hair treatment in the Beauty Salon, but my hair isn’t responding to the treatment, and I don’t see any change in it. Is this Klonner working for me? I’m tired of spending a lot of money with cosmetics.”
A: Yes, the Klonner substitutes sequence of hair treatment ( hydration, nutrition, reconstruction). It has the function of acting directly to the structural support and in the storage of the natural fat inside the capillary fiber. The Klonner is a high power reconstructor, different from everything that has existed so far in the cosmetic world, the only hair reconstructor in the world that gives a positive result up to 90% in its very first usage.
Usage Instructions - Step by Step
Shake the bottle of the product before its usage .
- Wash the hair with neutral shampoo ( repeat the process If necessary).
- Apply the Klonner with the hair 100% DRY.
- Apply the Klonner on the length of the hair, starting from the hair ends (untangle the hair while applying the product).
- Leave the product act in the hair for 10 to 15 min.
- Blow dry the hair in high temperature to activate the product, and then in medium temperature for 5 min.
- Rinse the hair for about 3 min. With cold water to give a termal shock, so that the product fixes in the hair. Then, wash it with neutral shampoo, untangling the hair with the shampoo itself.
- Blow dry and brush it thoroughly, and do not apply anything else (not even thermal protector).
READY. Reconstruction ended.
Rituals of the Klonner
Treatment in double dosage
Only with the purpose of reconstruction ( for all kinds of hair: blond, black,curly, natural etc), at intervals of 3 days.
Pre- Highlights: only 2 treatments after the Highlights ( one treatment can be done in the salon and the second usage can be done at home).
Two treatments “Klonner home care” ( e.g. the client travels, and can’t come to the salon, he/she can take 2 doses home).
Master treatment: 4 usages of the Klonner , once a week. (Hair extremely damaged).
RECOMENDATIONS: What not to do with the product or during treatment:
- Do not use the Klonner with wet hair.
- Do not warm the hair with “hair cape”. Do not use hair heating machine.
- Do not use electric straightener.
- Do not use curly machine.
- Do not wash the hair at home before the second usage.
- Do not use reconstructor oil, leave-in, extra-shine, hairspray, or any other finisher product.
- Do not wash the hair with hot or warm water.
- Do not use the product before shaking the bottle.
- Do not use conditioner before the second usage.
- Do not use it with dirty hair.
What the Klonner doesn’t do
- The Klonner does not straighten the hair.
- It doesn’t take off frizz nor reduces volume.
- It doesn’t replace “Brazilian Blowout”.
-It isn’t moisturizing mask.
-It isn’t conditioner.
-It isn’t silicone.
-It doesn’t alter the sulfide bridges.
- It isn’t a chemical product.
- It doesn’t change the color of the hair.
Aditional Information
It is important not to use conditioner between the first and the second usage .
The last step is the shampoo, and it is essential to wash the hair with it, and untangle the hair with the shampoo itself. Dry 100% of the hair with hairdryer, and finally polish the hair vigorously with the brush.
In case of curly hair wash it with shampoo and use a Leave-in cream as usual, and do not blow out nor brush it.
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